Top 3 Myths About Custom Foot Orthotics

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If you’ve heard of foot orthotics, chances are you have some preconceptions about them.  Whether you have a foot injury, chronic foot, knee or back pain or want to avoid future foot problems, orthotics can provide the correction and support that you need.

While custom foot orthotics provide support to your foot, improve your overall foot function and gait, and provide support for the whole body, orthotics are often misunderstood.

Myth #1: Orthotics are Only for the Elderly

Foot problems most commonly occur later in life, which may be why orthotics have the reputation of being for the elderly. But the truth is, foot problems like painful arches, heel pain, calluses, bunions, or even arthritis and diabetes can cause you pain at any age. A study has reported that over 70% of people have feet that are misaligned and lead to a variety of symptoms. This can make custom foot orthotics an excellent choice for many. Children, teenagers and adults of all ages can benefit from the use of foot orthotics to treat and prevent many foot conditions. They are most often made to fit your existing shoes so you can stay stylish and comfortable at the same time.

Myth #2: Custom Foot Orthotics Are No Different Than Over-the-Counter Orthotics

Walk into any drugstore, shoe store or big box membership store and you’re bound to see a rack full of orthotics or a machine to “measure” your feet claiming to cure you of your foot problems. People often assume that buying a pair of orthotics straight off the shelf is the same as being professionally fit for custom orthotics – but with a lower price tag. However, because our feet are as unique as our fingerprints, we need custom solutions for our unique foot needs. Health professionals like doctors, chiropodists and podiatrists can prescribe you custom orthotics. Providers of custom foot orthotics such as Certified Pedorthists and Certified Orthotists will complete a thorough biomechanical assessment and gait analysis before starting to image your feet for custom foot orthotics. The custom foot orthotics are then custom made based on your needs and foot issues and fit to your shoes. The best places to get your custom foot orthotics are professional offices that have an on-site lab.

Myth #3: Custom Foot Orthotics Are Unaffordable

As we mentioned, people often choose orthotics off the shelf because they believe they will function the same as the more expensive custom made orthotics. While the initial cost of an over-the-counter foot orthotic is cheaper than a custom foot orthotic, the over-the-counter orthotics are not built for you and your specific needs. These ‘OTS’ orthotics could cause you even more foot problems more pain, more doctors appointments and more time off work. Custom orthotics, however, address your foot issues the first time solving the problems that are causing the pain. And most workplace benefit plans will reimburse all or a significant portion of the cost of Custom Made Foot Orthotics.

At Applied Biomechanics Orthotics and Bracing, our foot orthotics are made on-site using 3D, high-definition laser imaging and Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing (CAD CAM). We guarantee the fit, comfort and your complete satisfaction. Learn more about our custom orthotics in Guelph for athletes, diabetes, work and leisure!

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