Max’s Feel Good Moment with Custom Orthotics

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How Orthotics Helped Our Friend Max Run Without Any Pain

Here’s a little story from our good friend Max. He wrote us a handwritten letter about his experience with our team and how his orthotics helped him out. Here’s what Max had to say in his own words:



“Once upon a time there was a boy named Max. Max had sore ancles so he went to the docter. The docter said I needed to get orthotics. So Max did. Maxs colour pick was black and gray swurl…” Maxs orthotics were made by putting his feet on a glass box scaner thing. The scaner machine took pictures of his feet. The pictures were sent to another machine witch made the orthotics. Then max had to wait but finaly they came. They helped Max run faster without pain in his feet. Max was very happy, he thanked his dad and his mom for the wonderful dream makers. Max made a story just for Fred, Maxs orthtic maker. Max encouragas people with pain in there feet to get orthotics and to ask for Fred and team. They were nice people. The end. MAX.”

We are so thankful to be able to help people feel better every day, just like Max. If you’re interested in getting to know us better, you can learn more about our team here.

If you’re looking for Guelph orthotics, then contact us for more information.

Get the support you need.

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